Alex Theory

An interesting presentation by Alex Theory about sound and how it can affect and interface with the physical body.

Alex Theory a sound visionary draws upon extensive training in psychology, integrative medicine, and psychoacoustic music production to innovate new styles of music and media. In Alex’s speakeasy session he discusses the power of sound and how to discover it. Alex also talks about the transformation of sound and the technology of it through the years.

Take My 30 day Challenge – Balance Your Brain with BodyTalk – you’ll be glad you did!

Take my 30 day challenge:

Watch this video and learn to do the BodyTalk Cortices technique on yourself.  Do it once a day, every day for 30 days and see what changes you notice in your level of health and wellbeing.  It only takes a minute to do the whole technique!   Then you can:

* Submit a comment below and let me know your results.

* If you would like to receive an illustrated guide to doing the Cortices technique – send me a comment below and include your email address and I will send you a FREE copy of the guide.

“One of the problems in our society is that most peoples’ brains are not working well, certainly nowhere near as well as they should.  Essentially they have been hijacked by the amygdala system, which is the fight-flight system that is designed to keep us alive. 

These days, the stresses of living often cause the amygdala to malfunction.”

—Dr John Veltheim. Founder of  The BodyTalk System TM

 The Cortices technique is by far the most commonly used technique in BodyTalk.  A main goal of  BodyTalk is to have the brain functioning extremely well, because when the brain is functioning well,  it can control the health of the body by ensuring the right communications are happening and the right instructions are going out.

The BodyTalk System is an energy-based technique, based on the scientific premise that energy comes first and matter follows.  A great deal of communication within the brain and from the brain to the rest of the body is occurring at a much higher level through energy systems such as meridians, the flow of electrons, protons, solitons, and electromagnetic frequencies.

The brain and the heart are huge electromagnetic frequency generators, and their frequencies are part of the communication system.  When we balance the energic level of the electromagnetic blueprint, we are going to profoundly affect all these electrical circuits. Further, we find that, clinically, the balance even affects the physical neurological circuits.  The result of this better communication in the brain enables the brain to settle down and better coordinate its activities.

Welcome to Lifessence


Discover the Revolution in Personal Healthcare  

– The BodyTalk System!



What is the future of healthcare?  

New perspectives from quantum science show us that we need to completely re-think our approach to modern health care. 

 The BodyTalk System is based on the quantum paradigm that everything is energy/consciousness.  

With this approach, we are working with the causal level of  imbalance which can result in illness and disease, rather than the symptom or manifestation level.

 “We are coming to understand health not as the absence of disease, but rather as the process by which individuals maintain their sense of coherence (i.e. sense that life is comprehensible, manageable, and meaningful) and their ability to function in the face of changes in themselves and their relationships with their environment.”                     

—Aaron Antonovsky (1987). Unraveling the Mystery of Health: How People Manage Stress and Stay Well

To be human is to be in a state of constant change. MotherEarth_103203509_std

When we are experiencing the flow and purpose of life we are able to cope with almost anything that causes change in our circumstances and environment.  This is known as resilience.

When we feel that we have no control over our life’s direction, our relationships with the people around us and our environment, we experience stress.

Stress is a state of incoherence and imbalance — and the good news is — it can be changed.

Eliminating or reducing your vulnerability to stress can be the key to improving your health and wellbeing.  BodyTalk is a safe, gentle and effective system that can assist you on your journey to health.


Your body is designed to heal itself.

 When all parts and systems of the body communicate with each other, healing happens naturally.

However stress, injury and illness can cause communication breakdowns, resulting in discomfort and disease.

BodyTalk identifies these breakdowns and uses a light tapping technique to restore communication, helping the body to heal itself.